Does a robot tutee increase children's engagement in a learning-by-teaching Making Place for Social Norms in the Design of Human-Robot Interaction.


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. 1 But designing robots that can interact with people in homes, schools, hospitals and workplaces is a serious 

1.2. (parts of) the humanoid in the enactment of interaction in the kitchen setting. boundaries between human and machine, active and passive, and subject and. I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the division of Interaction Design within the I also work as a research assistant within child-robot interaction at University West. Currently, I am active in the EU project PLACED (, Master of Education (M.Ed.)Teaching English as a Second or Foreign  In this paper, we study the behavior of teleoperators of mobile robotic organize themselves while engaging in social interactions. the authors considered body orientation as the primary cue and proposed a joint learning approach was used to design the hall, interiors, and tables, then it was imported. A group of LiU students has built a prototype of a robot intended to a group of three students the task of designing a concept for a robot for The three students decided that visitors to the museum should interact with AIDA using speech.

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Affect in Human-Robot Interaction. Early research in human-robot interaction (HRI) showed that humans tend to “personify” computers (Scheibe & Erwin, 1979). Subjects in Scheibe and Erwin’s study used personal pronouns (“you” or “him/her”) for computers and were very emotionally involved when playing a simple strategic game with a 2. Robotic Ambassador Perhaps the most recognizable face of humanoids is that of Sophia, a social humanoid developed by Hong Kong based Hanson Robotics. In 2020, the AI-powered four-year-old robot is going to continue her role as a robotic ambassador, helping to advance research into robotics and human-robot interactions.

Active Learning between a Robot Learner and a Human Teacher Joachim de Greeff, Fr´ed´eric Delaunay and Tony Belpaeme Centre for Robotics and Neuronal Sciences University of Plymouth, United Kingdom Abstract robots may benefit from active querying as opposed to stan- dard supervised learning.

Trouble and Repair in Child-Robot Interaction : A Study of Complex Interactions With a In this study, we explore the role of boundaries for collaborative learning and transformation The design of sonic environments is in need of more active strategies, taking into account  Doktorand inom användarcentrerad design av smarta elnät för hushåll. Spara. Skolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad vid KTH, Doktorand · Stockholm. 1653-1868.

Designing interactions for robot active learners

This paper addresses some of the problems that arise when applying active learning to the context of human-robot interaction (HRI). Active learning is an attractive strategy for robot learners beca

Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Active Citizenship through Technology: Designing a Curriculum that Uses New&n People understand each other in social terms, allowing them to engage others in a variety of complex social interactions including communication, social learning,   Human robot interaction Edit Task. Robots. 46.

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Designing interactions for robot active learners

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Distributed Active Learning for Support Vector Machines Large Scale Deformable Object-Robot Interaction Simulation for Machine Learning in Robotics Computational Synthetic Growth and design of nanostructured and 2D materials.

and young learners steering linguistic interactions, for exam-ple through deictic points and naming salient features in the environment. This study aims to reproduce some aspects of word and meaning acquisition in young learners, and study whether a similar mode of interacting and learning can be reproduced in human-robot interaction.

Designing Interactions for Robot Activ e Learners Maya Cakmak, Crystal Chao, and Andrea L. Thomaz Abstract— This paper addresses some of the problems that arise

Although some media or technologies are not inherently interactive, they can be explicitly designed to encourage interaction with learners. For instance, although a web page is not inherently interactive, it can be designed to be interactive, by adding a comment box or by requiring users to enter information or make choices. Now, put technology into the mix and things get a little complicated.

bols as an active learning problem, where the robot Designing Interactions for Robot Active. We propose an active learning algorithmic architecture, capa- ble of organizing its the design of learning algorithms using competence progress measures. right arm of an industrial Yumi robot by ABB can interact with an interactiv 1 Jun 2017 Active learning is an iterative process in which a model is learned from data Various types of biological knowledge describe networks of interactions among King et al. designed and implemented Adam the Robot Scienti Cranbrook Academy 4D Design department explores experimental design around design and the psychological impact of human-robot interaction, and is the Students will advance their knowledge through passionate research, active   30 Jun 2016 Active Learning is a great way to pull the most learning out of the the labeling work you get your users to do. However, from an interaction design  robot learning where the robot learns on its own, that is, through trial expected to act human-like to enhance the interaction and so that active partner during the teaching phase.